history (5)

El día martes 22 de octubre, estaré presentando mi  libro Sociology in Mexico: An Intellectual and institutional History, en La Biblioteca Café, ubicada en Marcelo T. de Alvear 1155, CABA

Dialogan con la autora:

Diego Pereyra y Pablo Bulcourf.

Link para

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Les comparto la Nota por la FES-Acatlán sobre la presentación del libro Sociology in Mexico: An Intellectual and Institutional History, por la Dra. Gina Zabludovsky presentado el 21 de marzo.



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Texas Judges

Elected judges decide the majority of cases in the United States. State courts handle about 90 percent of the US juridical business. At the same time, approximately 90 percent of all judges of state courts face the voters in some types of elections.

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