Hemos recibido noticias del caso de Sakineh, esta mujer que ha sido condenada a morir por lapidación en Irán al ser acusada de adulterio.Recibí la siguiente carta en inglés, que dice que la cantidad de firmas logró posponer la ejecución para el 9 de septiembre que es cuando termina la celebración del Ramadán, que significa perdón, que paradoja.Nos solicitan entrar nuevamente a la página para dirigir una carta a los mas altos jerarcas para que interventan. El sitio es http://freesakineh.org/letterA continuación encontrarán la carta, tal cual la recibí.Las mujeres debemos unir nuestras fuerzas para apoyarnos entre sí.Gracias.Dear Friends,Almost three hundred thousand people from around the world have now signed the FreeSakineh.org petition. Your efforts contributed to a decision by Iranian officials to review Sakineh’s case and put the stoning sentence on hold. You made a difference.Unfortunately events of the past few days -- Sakineh’s horrendous mock execution, the elimination of all visits by her family and lawyer, the recent punishment of 99 lashes for a totally trumped up offense, and today’s announcement out of Iran that Sakineh may well be executed at the end of Ramadan ( September 9th) -- make clear there is considerable urgency to renew our efforts on her behalf.Now is the time to implore the most senior clerics in Iran, versed and learned as they are in Sharia law and practice, to intervene on Sakineh’s behalf and speak out against the serious miscarriages of justice in her case. The letter which appears in the link here, addressed to the religious leaders, does exactly this. CLICK here and make your voice heard. Please, do it today!http://freesakineh.org/letterThank you.
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