Sylvia Sánchez Alcántara y Ale Marroquín, platican con Ximena Sánchez Cárdenas, Reclutadora Ejecutiva, Google Nueva York, en su programa Mujeres Exitosas.
Mujeres Exitosas - Ximena Sánchez Cárdenas
Vistas: 167
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What an inspiring conversation between Sylvia Sánchez Alcántara and Ximena Sánchez Cárdenas! It's empowering to see women breaking barriers in tech. In a world where resilience and innovation are crucial, I believe experiences like these can fuel our ambition—much like achieving high scores in the Snow Rider game. It challenges us to navigate obstacles creatively. Keep sharing these insights!
Your generosity in imparting your wisdom and supporting others on their journeys is a true testament to Slope Run your compassionate spirit and desire to make a difference.