Nate Lindquist. How to change fears, blocks and excuses of creating a business. Nate Lindquist

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Do you know what your ultimate business purpose is? learn how to unleash your potential and start leaving in the way you are meant to. Live the lifestyle you want, by creating the business you love.Nate is our top expert in that topic, he really walks his talk in this way, of enjoying his live, creating the business he loves.Sign up to the Relentless Entrepreneurs Summit for free en Inglé Life Masters Su...

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  • Your own business is always a high risk. My uncle was bankrupt 5 times and only the 6th time his startup paid off and began to make a profit. It's not easy to accept it and start again. I myself preferred to reduce the risks to a minimum. I work on an online exchange and use my cryptocurrency assets for transactions. It's not that hard if you have a cryptocurrency trading bot. I amend and use automation for all regular trades.

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