Ho'oponopono - Interview with Ihaleakalá and Mabel Katz - Part 1/5

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What is Ho'oponopono?Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art for problem solving, is very easy and very effective.Ho'oponopono teaches us to erase our problems.With Ho'oponopono, we learn to let go and allow that part of ourselves that knows what is perfect and right for us to solve our problems.Ho'oponopono is beyond The Secret. As the Law of Attraction teaches us, our thoughts create our reality. But did you know that 90% of your thoughts are unconscious? Ho'oponopono cleaning tools help us erase the unconscious thoughts that affect our success.With Ho'oponopono you'll discover how to: * Find Your purpose and the clarity to succeed. * Stay open and flexible to receive the ideal solutions through inspiration. * Erase those negative programs that affect you plans, goals, decisions and results.For more information: http://businessbyyou.com/

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